Going the Distance

A romantic comedy centered on a guy and a gal who try to keep their love alive as they shuttle back and forth between New York and San Francisco to see one another.

Summary Details
DistributorWarner Bros.
See full company information
4 theaters
Release DateSep 16, 2010
Running Time1 hr 43 min
GenresComedy Romance
In Release107 days/15 weeks
Widest Release4 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Sep 16-194$8,222-4-$2,055$8,2221
Sep 23-267$6,034-26.6%4-$1,508$19,7062
Sep 30-Oct 310$3,136-48%3-1$1,045$25,6943