Shoot 'Em Up

A man named Mr. Smith delivers a woman's baby during a shootout, and is then called upon to protect the newborn from the army of gunmen.

Summary Details
DistributorSvensk Filmindustri (SF)
See full company information
4 theaters
Release DateNov 2, 2007
Running Time1 hr 26 min
GenresAction Comedy Thriller
In Release60 days/8 weeks
Widest Release4 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Nov 2-423$7,864-4-$1,966$7,8641
Nov 23-2545$1,703-4-$425$20,2084
Nov 30-Dec 246$164-90.4%2-2$82$20,6655