
Bo is a transgender prostitute in Brussels who left home after being abused by her father. She's now in an abusive relationship with a neighbor and suspected by the police in a series of murders of trans people. In order to clear herself she must turn detective.


Domestic (100%)
Summary Details
DistributorPicture This! Entertainment
1 theaters
Running Time1 hr 45 min
GenresDrama Horror Thriller
In Release155 days/22 weeks
Widest Release1 theater
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
Jul 30-Aug 583$7,220-1-$7,220$7,2201
Aug 6-1290$5,232-27.5%1-$5,232$12,4522
Oct 8-14120$3,316-1-$3,316$15,76811
Oct 15-21135$1,593-52%1-$1,593$17,36112