
When a family moves to Laddaland, an upscale housing development with large, beautiful homes, they discover life in their new neighborhood isn't so perfect when they encounter a series of terrifying, paranormal events that drives the family to the edge of insanity.This is a short description of the content.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorGMM Tai Hub (GTH)
See full company information
125 theaters
Release DateApr 28, 2011
Running Time2 hr 5 min
GenresDrama Horror Mystery
In Release248 days/35 weeks
Widest Release125 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Apr 28-May 11$1,515,797-125-$12,126$1,550,8121
May 5-82$689,188-54.5%96-29$7,179$3,199,9482
May 12-153$236,557-65.7%63-33$3,754$3,715,2813
May 19-225$48,401-79.5%54-9$896$3,898,4674
May 26-2910$5,218-89.2%14-40$372$3,925,6605
Jun 2-513$219-95.8%1-13$219$3,877,9246