The Theory of Everything

Stephen Hawking gets unprecedented success in the field of physics despite being diagnosed with motor neuron disease at the age of 21. He defeats awful odds as his first wife Jane aids him loyally.


South Korea
Summary Details
DistributorUniversal Pictures International (UPI)
See full company information
399 theaters
Release DateDec 11, 2014
Running Time2 hr 3 min
GenresBiography Drama Romance
In Release21 days/3 weeks
Widest Release399 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Dec 12-144$1,016,631-399-$2,547$1,407,9411
Dec 19-218$102,182-89.9%101-298$1,011$1,829,7342
Dec 26-2813$20,339-80.1%12-89$1,694$2,295,8543