Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl (1998)

Young teen girl Xiu Xiu is sent away to a remote corner of the Sichuan steppes for manual labor in 1975 (sending young people to there was a part of Cultural Revolution in China). A year later, she agrees to go to even more remote spot with a Tibetan saddle tramp Lao Jin to learn horse herding.

All Releases

Domestic (99.3%)
International (0.7%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorStratosphere Entertainment LLC
Domestic Opening$23,880
Earliest Release DateMay 7, 1999 (Domestic)
Running Time1 hr 39 min

By Release

Release GroupRolloutMarketsDomesticInternationalWorldwide
Original ReleaseMay 7, 1999Domestic$1,010,933$1,010,933
2002 Re-releaseFebruary 1, 2002Spain$7,612$7,612

By Region

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