Crazy Like a Fox (2004)

This is the story of Nat Banks, an 8th generation Virginian gentleman farmer living in the past, who loses his family farm, Greenwood, to a pair of land speculators from Washington, D.C. When the predatory couple manipulates a "legal" real estate transaction that turns into a hostile possession of the manor house, he temporarily loses his mind, leaving his family but not the farm. Instead he hides out in a cave on Goose Creek, waging guerilla warfare against expansionism and the destruction of historic property with the help of his family, friends, and neighbors...

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Domestic (100%)
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Summary Details
Domestic DistributorDelphi Film Foundation
See full company information
Domestic Opening$4,667
Earliest Release DateMay 5, 2006 (Domestic)
Running Time1 hr 38 min
GenresComedy Drama


AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
DomesticMay 5, 2006$4,667$9,376