April's Shower

Alex is throwing a wedding shower for April. What's revealed at this wacky party, though, is that the two women have a history that goes beyond mere friendship.


Domestic (100%)
Summary Details
DistributorRegent Releasing
See full company information
5 theaters
Running Time1 hr 40 min
GenresComedy Romance
In Release353 days/50 weeks
Widest Release5 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
Jan 13-1963$14,838-5-$2,967$14,8381
Feb 3-9113$784-2-$392$15,8044
Feb 17-23122$172-1-$172$15,9766
Mar 24-30123$401-1-$401$16,37711