Pro moyu mamu i pro menya

USSR, 1970s. Lena has a real talent for writing - her school essays reflect with incredible precision and warmth not only the world around her and her loved ones, but also her personal experiences, dreams, and hopes. Her mother works in documentary film, and she has her own problems and dreams. It so happened that the daughter's adolescence coincides with her mother's midlife crisis. The story of their touching relationship is told with a kind smile and notes of sadness.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
Release DateOct 17, 2024
Running Time1 hr 44 min
GenresComedy Drama
In Release147 days/21 weeks
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Oct 17-2023$14,398----$14,3981
Oct 24-2732$6,234-56.7%---$18,5162
Oct 31-Nov 371$541-91.3%---$30,7293