The Hoodoo Umbrella (1913)

After the destruction of her old umbrella, Mrs. Smith purchases a new one of the latest design with a patent spring which opens and shuts it by a slight pressure at the handle. It insists upon opening unexpectedly at the most inopportune moments, frightening her and others almost into a collapse. On the street it startles passersby by suddenly opening itself in their faces. She attempts a bargain and in the midst of the rush it springs open, almost creating a panic. It does the same thing when she enters a trolley car, causing no end of laughter and commotion. She is hurriedly ejected from the conveyance with a parting salutation of "good riddance to bad rubbish." Hurrying home, her husband greets her with much peevishness, which is greatly increased when her new umbrella unceremoniously opens with a startling bang and repeats its performance until he becomes exceedingly nervous. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are seated at the table when the maid enters with a tray of dishes. She accidentally touches the spring of the umbrella standing at Mrs. Smith's side; it opens so quickly the maid drops the dishes in alarm. Mr. Smith determines that his wife shall get rid of the umbrella and she has the same disposition herself. He purchases her a complete outfit of raincoat and rubber cap, which he presents to her with the promise that she will dispense with the umbrella. She agrees and together they go to the Brooklyn Bridge and throw the incorrigible rain-shedder from the bridge. It lands in a passing tugboat. The mate of the tug picks it up, greatly frightened when it insists upon springing open without warning. He ties a hawser around it and seeing the name of Mrs. Smith on the handle, he recalls her as an old friend and returns it, much to the amazement of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. They come to the conclusion that it is a hoodoo. Mr. Smith rushes out into the yard and smashes it with an axe. Together they carry it far from their home and dispose of it in the gutter, where it is no longer a menace to their peace and happiness.

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Summary Details
Running Time7 min
GenresComedy Short