The Greater Treasure (1914)

Ellen Gary, poor, but passionately desiring luxury and thinking that wealth can, alone, and irrespective of all other considerations, afford happiness, loves and is to marry Robert Bray, a young lawyer, who has yet to attain financial success in his profession. The first promise of great success comes to Robert when John Street, millionaire president of the Empire Trust Company, informs him that he has decided to give him some of the business of that concern. In delight. Robert invites Ellen to a simple celebration, but this as everything else she does or has is spoiled for the girl by her contrasting of actualities with dreams of wealth. Street is a widower with one child, Rose, a girl of simple tastes and attractive personality. By chance Street meets Ellen at Robert's office, and the millionaire falls in love with her, in a short time asking her to be his wife. In Ellen's heart there is a terrible struggle between her love for Robert and her yearning for wealth, but at length the craving for luxury and social station is triumphant, and she marries Street. Shortly after, Robert who has been almost brokenhearted at the sordid faithlessness of Ellen, chances to meet Rose, who. in her strength of character and sweetness, proves to be all he had thought Ellen to be. Robert and Rose are soon deeply in love. Robert asks her father's consent to their marriage, and is scornfully refused. Though saddened to act against her father's will. Rose nevertheless declares her determination to marry Robert, and is ordered from Street's house. In his rage Street changes his will, disinheriting Rose and leaving his entire fortune to Ellen. Before he reflects, he is killed by a locomotive which strikes his automobile. By this time Ellen has realized that wealth, without love, is a gilded mockery of happiness, and free determines to win back Robert. Ellen cannot comprehend that Robert does not prefer her and the enormous fortune which is now hers to the penniless Rose. Ellen, at length, desperate, approaches Rose, offering to turn over to her the entire Street fortune if she will give Robert up, but Rose, to Ellen's astonishment, rejects the offer. Robert and Rose are married and begin their lives of simple happiness. Ellen, a vast fortune at her command, and surrounded by the gorgeous luxury for which she once longed, realizes in bitter agony the value of the treasure of love which she bartered for wealth.

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GenresDrama Short