The New Clerk (1912)

Robert Hunt, who has to support an invalid mother, comes with a letter of recommendation, and is engaged by J.M. Gray, who sets him to work in his outer office. Also is employed there, Guy Steele, who is office manager, and May Manton, a pretty stenographer. Robert and May are impressed with each other, to Steele's displeasure. It is shown that Robert spends his evenings in reading to his invalid mother, while Steele drinks and gambles. Money is being missed in the mail and Gray calls on A.M. Collins, one of his customers, who is in the habit of sending it loose. They lay a trap to catch the thief by identifying a ten-dollar bill and mailing it to Gray. One night Steele gets into difficulties with his taxi bill, when he is entertaining May. Robert happens along and lends him ten dollars. The next day Steele objects to Robert presenting May with a flower and throws it upon the floor. There is an altercation which May stops, but Robert demands that Steele pay him what he owes. Steele gives him the ten-dollar bill which he has just extracted from the envelope, which business has been observed by May, though she is not aware of its purport. Gray opens his mail, finds the bill gone and calls in Collins with a policeman. Robert is accused and searched. The bill is found, he tells where he received it, but this is denied by Steele, who calls Robert the thief. Robert knocks him down. The officer interferes. May tells what she has seen and Steele is searched. The bill, from the other letter, is found on him and the two opened letters in his coat pocket. He is arrested and taken away. Robert is promoted to his job. May picks up the flower which Steele had thrown upon the floor, and looking toward Robert at his desk, she presses it to her lips, and the picture closes with a suggestion of a coming romance between the two.

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GenresDrama Short