Timeline (2003)

A group of archaeologists get embroiled in an adventure where they must travel back in time to 14th Century France, to save their professor before the French battle the English at Castlegard. If they fail, they won't be able to return.

All Releases

Domestic (44.3%)
International (55.7%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorParamount Pictures
See full company information
Domestic Opening$8,440,629
Earliest Release DateNovember 26, 2003 (Domestic)
Running Time1 hr 56 min
GenresAction Adventure Sci-Fi War
TitleEarliest Release DateDomestic Opening Weekend% of TotalTheatersDomestic 2nd Weekend2nd Weekend DropDomesticInternationalWorldwide
A Sound of ThunderAug 26, 2005$917.4k48.3%816$284.5k-69%$1.9M$9.8M$11.7M
JumperFeb 13, 2008$27.4M34.1%3,428$12.7M-53.5%$80.2M$145.0M$225.1M
National TreasureNov 19, 2004$35.1M20.3%3,017$32.2M-8.5%$173.0M$174.5M$347.5M
National Treasure: Book of SecretsDec 19, 2007$44.8M20.4%3,832$35.7M-20.3%$220.0M$239.3M$459.2M
Deja VuNov 22, 2006$20.6M32.1%3,108$10.9M-46.8%$64.0M$116.5M$180.6M
Source CodeMar 30, 2011$14.8M27.1%2,961$8.7M-41.6%$54.7M$92.6M$147.3M
Project AlmanacJan 29, 2015$8.3M37.2%2,893$5.2M-37%$22.3M$10.9M$33.2M